Sunday, December 13, 2015

Next American Revolution

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable.
                                                                                                        John F. Kennedy


Today’s world is a tumult of change:  Political, social, religious, economic, business, climate, education – literally everything, everywhere. Indeed, there is nothing that does not or cannot change. When change does not occur in a system, it breaks down and revolution occurs.

Resistance to Change

Politics and self-interest dictate how people feel about change. Individuals or groups may take active steps to protect their positions. Resistance can take many forms; it is dynamic and it adjusts depending on the specific situation. (1)

Three types of resistance emerge and operate simultaneously: emotional, political, and rational. Most people are relatively optimistic when learning about impending change. They may, at an emotional level, actually become intrigued or even excited about it. Political resistance arises from self-interest. Rational resistance arises as people look for facts, relevant comparisons, and logical justification. These types of resistance occur with all types of change.

Change can occur quickly or slowly – evolutionary or revolutionary.  Evolutionary changes occur very slowly as people understand the change and the approach is built collaboratively. In business, management decides on whether the change will be brought about – with employee buy-in, or by forced change. (2)

Political Change

In the political arena, change comes from politicians advocating positions that they promise to support. They may not be able to deliver what they promise. The USA has only 2 political parties, and the parties’ platforms set forth the changes that will be supported. Any politician who does not back the primary party platforms (albeit with variations) must decide whether the difference justifies running for office as an Independent, thereby losing (or rejecting) political-party control.

Whilst most people have a preference for evolutionary change, it is not always appropriate. Politics in a democracy woos support from the electorate. But a large segment of the population may not be satisfied with the choices. This motivates them to support politicians on the fringes, or even radical candidates. When the dissatisfied segment becomes large enough, it may force the party-platform to change, or form a splinter group. (3)

American Politics

Today many people are utterly disenchanted by politics. They don’t vote because it seems like a tacit act of compliance and there is nothing to vote for. They regard politicians as frauds and liars. Today I watched an angry person on TV proclaim very forcefully that politicians are all liars. To many, the current political system is nothing more than a means for furthering the benefits of economic elites.  These are the seeds of revolution.

Only 26% of Americans today believe that the two major parties adequately represent Americans. Calls for bipartisanship are utterly useless when both parties cannot, or will not, address serious and legitimate grievances that are common throughout America. As it exists today, the American system is entirely incompatible with the democratic ideals upon which it was ostensibly founded. A political revolution seems to be the only solution to the countless problems plaguing America today. The strong political resistance against “politics as usual” is proof that a revolution has already begun. (4)

Presidential contenders

There are lots of Republicans who support Donald Trump’s ideas, which makes him a force to be reckoned with. Other politicians require financial support for their campaigns; Trump is self-financed. Others follow party platforms; Trump does not. In spite of suggestions that Trump’s followers are blue collar (inferences of low-intelligence) the trend continues. As I write this, the poll numbers of the top-3 Republican contenders combined do not equal Trump’s support. How long will Trump last?

The Democratic front-runner, Hillary Clinton seems to have hard-core support within the Democrat electorate, much higher than for Bernie Sanders. But she is considered an establishment candidate and still looks weak going into a general election, barely tying against Donald Trump and others in head-to-head match-ups. Also, her lead is far lower than the edge Democrats usually enjoy among female voters. That’s the real challenge for Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

Bernie Sanders labels himself a Democratic Socialist Capitalist. He speaks of political revolution, asking Americans to believe that electoral politics might actually deliver actual change. He knows that really won’t happen unless people who are frustrated and disengaged and disenchanted see him as a candidate who is distinctly different from the rest.  So he ramps up his rhetoric and offers more of a sense of who he is, pointing out that his disagreements are not merely with Republicans but also with too-cautious Democrats.  He is positioning himself as a candidate with long-term commitment to progressive ideals, and willingness to act to “govern based on principle not poll numbers.” (5)


Since the early days, the country has suffered from perpetual polarization: Republican versus Democrat; the North versus the South; Left versus Right; Liberal versus Conservative. The hostility seems to go on and on.

The record of the current two-party Congress is abysmal – very little really gets done. The US seems to be approaching a turning point. It seems evident that no one is satisfied and citizens are very publicly speaking out about change. Everyone recognizes that the status quo cannot continue indefinitely. 

Key question:  Can change occur through today’s political system? Will it be stimulated by outside events? Or will it change from within? (6)

Revolutionary Change

In social and political science, Revolution is a major, sudden, and typically violent alteration in government. The term is used by analogy in such expressions as the Industrial Revolution, where it refers to a radical and profound change in economic relationships and technological conditions. (7)

Today the United States political system has been corrupted by the Supreme Court decisions like Citizens United, giving unions and corporations the ability to spend unlimited amounts on political advertising, putting Congress under the thumb of its wealthiest citizens. 

Most urgent among these critical issues are:

  • Money in elections (legalized corruption)
  • $17 + trillion dollar and fast growing national debt
  • Vast inequality of wealth, increasing poverty
  • Endless war by the American Empire
  • Structural classism in the justice system
  • Climate change: In the next century, will this planet remain habitable.
These serious problems cannot be handled without a mass resistance movement. It seems to many political analysts, observers and futurists, that another American Revolution is possible, and even likely. (8)

American Revolution

America is already a deliverer of much internal and external violence – from invasions internationally to income inequality and growing discontent at home. In recent years, civil unrest has becoming increasingly noticeable. From the Occupy Movement to the Ferguson and Chicago unrest, Americans across the country are stepping up and speaking out about dissatisfaction with government. (9)

The primary causes of a possible second American Revolution are not external but internal. They arise from the recognition that under the present corrupt system any independent person is inherently unelectable. The only choices seem to be apathy, or revolutionary change. The choice is between acquiescing to the demands of a corrupt political establishment, or surrendering to the forces of rebellion and upheaval. (10)

So, if there is indeed a next American revolution, when and how will it develop? Will it be similar to the founding Revolution with a long drawn out psychological war before action occurs? What impact will it have on the country and the world? When, where and how will lines be drawn? (11)

The Pitchforks are coming

Bernie Sanders’ platform, "For 40 years, the American middle class has been disappearing. Millions of people are working longer hours for lower wages. During that period, there has been is a massive transfer of trillions of dollars from the middle class to the top 0.1% of America. Today, you have 99% of all new income today going to the top 1%."

In a 2014 TED speech, Nick Hanauer, a Seattle-based entrepreneur and a self-proclaimed plutocrat said, " The problem isn't that we have inequality. Some inequality is intrinsic to any high-functioning capitalist economy. The problem is that inequality is at historically high levels and getting worse every day. Our country is rapidly becoming less a capitalist society and more a feudal society."

Nick Hanauer warns his fellow “filthy-rich”: “You’re living in a dream world. If we don’t do something to fix the glaring inequities in this economy, the pitchforks are going to come for us. No society can sustain this kind of rising inequality.” (12)

Financial Collapse

In 1971, the US unilaterally canceled the direct convertibility of the US dollar to gold. Since then, a system of national fiat monies has been used globally, with freely floating exchange rates between the major currencies. This allows the US and other major countries simply to issue as much currency as needed, which increases the national debt.

The history of fiat money has been one of failure. Over the centuries, every fiat currency has ended in devaluation and eventual collapse, of not only the currency, but of the economy that housed the fiat currency as well. (13)

The view of many futurists and economists is that the eventual collapse of the US $ is inevitable, taking with it most of the bloated fiat currencies in the developed world. This will be the key event that triggers political and economic collapse to bring about the next American Revolution.


Today, Democracy is not functioning in America – just the illusion of it. The American public has gotten indulgent in many ways, but more and more people are starting to recognize that it's time to act. Some of the greatest guides to the new American Revolution are the people who articulated the first one. They understood the concept that enough is enough.

When will the American people reach the breaking point and take action? Many economists and futurists predict that the system is like a runaway train, which is going to crash. Unless something is done, it seems just a matter of when. (14)

From my own standpoint, I’m voting for the Bernie Sanders revolution.

Let’s Engage

Please share our discussion by responding to these questions directly via the blog. If you prefer, send me an email and I’ll insert your comments.

  1. Are you a Democrat, Republican or Independent?
  2. Do you vote regularly? If you don’t vote, why not?
  3. Who will you vote for in the next Presidential election?
  4. What are your reasons to support the candidate of your choice?
  5. Obama promised “Change you can Believe In”. Did Change happen?
  6. Will you believe the next President’s promises?
  7. Will you continue to accept the current political situation?
  8. What do you think YOU can do about it?
  9. Please add your own comments.

  1. Overcoming Resistance to Organizational Change:
  2. Revolutionary vs. evolutionary organizational change:
  3. Change: evolution or revolution?
  4. Jim Pinto – Political Corruption in America:
  5. Bernie Sanders Is Serious About ‘Political Revolution’:
  6. Russell Brand on revolution:
  7. Standing on the Edge of Next American Revolution:
  8. Is Another American Revolution Needed?
  9. Is Another American Revolution Inevitable?
  10. A New American Revolution! When Will It Start?
  11. American Revolution 2.0:
  12. TED speech – The pitchforks are coming:
  13. Fiat Currency: Using the Past to See into the Future:
  14. Jim Pinto – Corruption of Capitalism:
Jim Pinto
Carlsbad, CA. USA
13 December 2015

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Existence of God

Philosophers, theologians, scientists and others have proposed arguments for and against the existence of God for thousands of years.  Still, this cannot be proved and acceptance is a personal choice. (1)

Belief Systems

Every human being has a belief system to make sense of the world. There are wide varieties of belief systems, which can be categorized, as metaphysical, logical, empirical, or subjective. (2) All belief systems are based on either evidence or faith. 

Science considers that the world is ultimately understandable through observation, experiment, and extrapolation.  It recognizes that humans have beliefs that may be biased and attempts to moderate such bias by requiring that evidence must be capable of independent verification. By strict adherence to verified procedure, it assures that conclusions are objective. Something that operates outside those rules is rejected as being unscientific.  

Faith-based belief systems are mental constructs that lack evidence. Indeed, scientific confirmation may be impossible.  This defines the important difference between faith-based and science-based beliefs. Faith cannot be introduced into an evidence-based system any more than one can demand evidence of a faith-based system.  Religion is a faith-based belief system.

Religion provides a sense of meaning and comfort for believers, and studies show that such beliefs intensify during threatening situations. Now research suggests that some people's faith in science may serve the same role. It may be that belief itself, regardless of its content, helps people deal with adverse situations. (3)

God Views

About 70-80% of the worlds almost 7 billion people profess belief in God. About a third are Christian, a fifth are Muslim, a sixth are Agnostic or Atheist, and another sixth are Hindu. (4)

Christians believe in the teachings of Jesus, who was born 2,100 years ago. He was Jewish and left no writings, but many people wrote about him. Today, there are more than 2 billion Christians.

Islam originated in the Middle East about 600 AD. Muslims worship the same God as Christians do. Their prophet Mohammed claimed to have been inspired by God to write the Koran, which they consider the Holy Scripture. Today there are about 1.5 billion Muslims.

Almost 1 billion Hindus believe that Brahman, a supreme being, created the universe and has many forms and pervades the whole of creation. Other religions, such as Buddhism, do not concern themselves with the existence of gods. Agnostics claim they don't know and cannot know if there is a God. 

There are over 1 billion people who profess Atheism. They believe there is no God and view arguments for the existence of God as insufficient, mistaken or weighing less in comparison to arguments against. 

Belief in God

There are many different arguments for the existence of God, based on history, science, personal experience, and philosophy. Each supports a certain conception of God, and represents the base of a specific religion. Together, these arguments claim to prove the existence of a perfect, necessary, transcendent being that created the universe, has authority over it, and takes an interest in humanity. (5)

The First-Cause Argument assumes that every event must have a cause, and that cause in turn must have a cause, and on and on and on. But an infinite series of causes and events doesn't make sense. There's got to be something — some kind of first cause, which requires some kind of "supreme" being. The philosophers call this God. (6)

The Design Argument suggests we live in an orderly Universe that surely had to be designed. The existence of the universe and various phenomena within it indicates the presence of an even greater intelligence, namely God.


A significant argument against God’s existence is the problem of evil. Of all the atheistic arguments, this is the one that has been around the longest. The traditional conception of God implies the ability to prevent all suffering. Suffering, though, is a familiar part of the world around us; it has not been prevented. Therefore, there is no God. (7)

Other atheistic arguments claim that there are logical problems and several related paradoxes. Can God create a stone so heavy that he cannot lift it? A being that is not omnipotent is not God, and therefore, does not exist.

One of the most common arguments for atheism is the view that religious belief is mere wishful thinking, just an emotional crutch for those who are unable to deal with the reality of life without God.

Another objection is that those who believe in God ought to be tolerant of those of other faiths and of those of no faith. Many religions are intolerant and indeed have been the cause of wars against non-believers. This is an argument against the objective existence of God – it makes no sense to talk of absolute religious truths because all religious truth is relative. (8)

Personal Views

For this blog, I considered it important not to just write generalities, but to make it personal. I have several friends who are Christian, Hindu, Buddhist and Muslim. Their views about God are widely available – here are some references for those who wish to review further. (9)

Here’s an interesting fact: The US Congress does not include a single admitted atheist. A 2012 survey found that 50% of Americans believe atheism is "threatening" to them. (10)

Atheist Views

In a spirit of agreement, I invited two of my closest friends, who are avowed atheists, to present their views in this blog.

Stan Lieberman

A technologist, philosopher and professed atheist, my good friend Stan Lieberman sent me this summary of the reasons he believes that God does not exist:

Since the universe exists, and the universe is everything, then something must have created the universe.  If the universe was created by the Big Bang, they something must have created the Big Bang.  That is, there must have been a First Cause.  We will call this First Cause "God."  (This is a standard Aristotelian argument.)  And since God created the universe, he created all that is in it including human beings.

My response is: what caused the First Cause?  I do not need to know how the universe began since I believe the universe has always existed in some form.

I find no reason to believe in something that is not rational but must be accepted by faith.  In addition, every religion defines God differently, and since the definitions are contradictory, this is further proof that one can only believe in God based upon faith.  There can never be a rational proof of God.

Merle Borg

My long-term friend, Merle Borg, is one of the nicest people I have ever known. We have had lunch together every week for as long as I can remember. Merle is an avowed atheist. He wrote a significant response to my blog, “Religions and Faith-based Beliefs”. Essentially what Merle says is: “God did not create Man - Man created God!”

Merle wrote:

A few hundred thousand years ago, on the plains and jungles of Africa, this world’s most fearsome predator emerged. Homo sapiens. Our supremacy was not based on speed or size or stealth. We evolved language and intelligence, and the ability to imagine and create tools.

Compellingly dominant, we covered the globe and adapted to nearly every environment. Accompanying our intelligence, however, was the disturbing understanding and anticipation of our own death.

There was a fix. With our ability to imagine things, we simply decided that anyone as clever as us could live forever. We began burying tools and provisions with our leaders and loved ones. Comforting, yes, but from that time on, the “here and now” have been materially diminished.  

As recently as a few thousand years ago we mastered agriculture in ways that made civilizations possible. These civilizations were more efficient and they quickly swallowed up tribal peoples and became the norm. To mobilize and control the large diverse populations, and to indulge our yearnings for eternity, these civilizations adopted more sophisticated religions. Some survive to this day.  

The more enterprising of these beliefs are pyramid schemes. Followers are encouraged to have large families and to convert others. The beliefs compete and are at the root of much of our over-crowding and poverty… and most of our butchery. Nothing inspires bloodlust like the promise of forever.

Organized murder, however, occurs on a relatively small scale. The truly colossal waste is this magnificent, oblivious mass of humanity living the only life it will ever live while believing this is not the real thing… that what is important is yet to come.  

The over-crowding and the butchery and the delusions are tragic, but the waste is self-inflicted. Our other failings are less forgivable. Blessed with relatively long lives and perched safely at the top of the food chain, we humans own this beautiful blue marble. You might think we would enjoy and take care of our paradise… and work to pass our blessings along. Unfortunately, with eyes firmly fixed on the heavens, our kind considers this world to be temporary and we treat it with little regard for tomorrow, or for the tomorrows of any living thing. 

With the elixir of eternity on the table, decency gets pushed aside. As the Gods watch the comic tragedy, they must question the wisdom of producing a species clever enough to imagine forever… and just clever enough to believe in it.”

Jim Pinto View

I was born and brought up a Catholic. Now I am not religious, but spiritual.

I marvel at the beauty, intricacy and interdependence, and just “worship” the universe as the result at this point in time – our very small fraction of Time and Space. 

Here is my own view: There is a Transcendent God, the spirit of all Space and Time, the creator who initiated the Big Bang. And there is also an Immanent God – something which is here and now, in me writing this and you thinking about what I’m saying and responding. 

I invite you to read my blog: “Creation Allegory”. (11) 

If you don’t wish to use the word “god”, that’s all right with me. I have no need for the word. It confuses the issue, because too many people have too many interpretations for that word.

Let’s Engage

Please share our discussion by responding to these questions directly via the blog. If you prefer, send me an email and I’ll insert your comments.

  1. Do you believe in God?
  2. What is your religion?     a. Christian       b. Islam      c. Atheist                                                     d. Hindu     e. Buddhist    f. Other
  1. Are you a devout believer? Explain why you believe?
  2. Are you an Atheist? Explain why.
  3. Do you often think about this stuff? Or, not really too much?
  4. Please comment on Stan Lieberman’s proofs of why there is no God.
  5. Please comment on Merle Borg’s view, “God did not create Man - Man created God!”
  6. Please comment on Jim Pinto’s understanding of God.

  1. Existence of God:
  2. Science, Faith, And Belief Systems:
  3. How Science Mimics Faith:
  4. Religions and Faith-based Beliefs:
  5. Arguments for God's Existence:
  6. 7 Philosophical Arguments for the Existence of God:
  7. Arguments Against God:
  8. Arguments for and against the Existence of God:
  9. Major religious groups:
  10. Why All of the Atheists in Congress are Closeted:
  11. Jim Pinto: Creation Allegory:
Jim Pinto
Carlsbad, CA. USA
11 November 2015

Thursday, October 29, 2015

A.I. Boom or Doom?

Artificial intelligence advances are accelerating. Today, cellphones can be verbally instructed to find specialty restaurants or movie theaters, or asked virtually any question. Most recognize that, sooner or later, safer self-driving cars will replace human-drivers. In the medicine, computers make faster and more accurate diagnoses and can train medical students. Robots are taking over from human doctors for delicate procedures. New AI products and techniques are being announced with startling rapidity. Only specialists can keep track.

Fifteen years ago, in March 2000, I wrote (1):

It has been estimated that synthetic intelligence will exceed that of humans within about 30 years. At what stage will a machine have an independent legal identity to protect its life, liberty and pursuit of happiness? As the development of artificial body-parts advances to the replacement of whole human segments, perhaps even the brain, when will human identity cease and machine identity commence?

If I can download my entire consciousness to a machine and my physical body shows inferior characteristics, at what stage will I choose to survive in synthetic form and discard the organic original? And, when the organic body is shut down, what are the social, moral, legal and theological implications? Will my synthetic being maintain my legal status?

The new millennium brings with it enormous changes in all areas of human consciousness. Perhaps we will enter the era of trans-human, or even post-human existence. In all spheres of consciousness – social, philosophical, spiritual – we must begin to consider the ramifications and prepare for them

In 2015, the world is already halfway towards those predictions. Let’s prognosticate on the possibilities

AI & Robotics are Here

A Pew Research report predicts that by 2025, AI and robotics will be integrated into nearly every aspect of most people’s daily lives. (2)  Beyond the consequences of human labor replacement, there’s more to worry about – AI will increasingly keep demanding additional resources and will be more and more in charge . (3)

Peter Diamandis thinks that advances in AI will be a key to helping in a new era of "abundance” with enough food, water, and comfort for all humans. (4) Skeptics, and I’m starting to be one of them, worry about the consequences of AI and robotics.

Ray Kurzweil Prognostications

The futurist and inventor Ray Kurzweil has predicted that human-level AI will be achieved by 2029. Beyond that date, Kurzweil has forecasted the Singularity when humans can blend and merge with machines, to become immortal. (5)

Projecting beyond the next few decades, it’s evident that machines will be smarter than humans at just about everything. Computers will eventually be able to program themselves, understand massive quantities of information, and “think” in ways that ordinary humans cannot imagine. And they won’t need to take breaks or relax. There will be few jobs left – for entertainers, performers and creative categories of humans. But, what about beyond that?

Science Fiction Portrayal

Science fiction threats have been written about for years. Artificial intelligence has loomed as a threat to humanity ever since Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein, first published in 1818. AI dooms humanity, on Earth (Terminator and sequels) or in space (Battlestar Galactica). Humans have been ruled by despotic supercomputer, as in the 1970 Colossus: The Forbin Project.

The futurist and humanist Arthur C. Clarke’s 1968 science fiction novel 2001: A Space Odyssey became famous through Stanley Kubrick's film version. In Steven Spielberg’s 2001 movie A.I Artificial Intelligence, a highly advanced robotic boy longs to become "real" so that he can regain the love of his human mother. Ex Machina, a 2015 British movie, illustrates just how thin the line between intelligence and artificial intelligence really is.

In his recent sci-fi novel Avogadro Corp. William Hertling describes science fiction that is quickly becoming science fact. In great technical detail, Hertling describes complications that proliferate today and will cause significant problems in the very near future. The book’s sub-title warns: "The Singularity is closer than it appears." (6)

Apple Dominance

In the biblical allegory, Satan tempts Adam and Eve to taste the fruit from the tree of knowledge. That first bite of the apple represents the fall of man. The use of the Apple logo is extremely powerful, symbolizing use of Apple computers to obtain knowledge and enlighten the human race. Steve Jobs was very protective of that symbol, cleverly recognizing that it carried centuries of meaning. (7)

In 2015, Apple became the first US Company with a market value above $700 billion, and is now expected to keep growing beyond $ 1 trillion. The recent movie, Steve Jobs paints a portrait of the man who was obsessed with the possibilities of domination of his company in the digital revolution. There’s a veiled connection between Apple’s ascendancy and the growing threat of AI becoming a danger to the continuation of human existence.

It’s not hard to imagine future Internet hacks, generated by AI, providing false-links, or phantom texts sent out to billions of humans with Pied Piper-like impact. The Intelligence would purport to be issuing the instructions for “the good of humanity”. Hey, that could be the plot for a good science fiction story…

AI in Kids Toys

My colleagues from APF (Association of Professional Futurists) brought up an interesting discussion about the use of AI in kids’ toys. Several companies, including toy-industry leader Mattel, are planning to introduce an assortment of AI-enabled toys this holiday season for kids as young as age three. (8)

When a child asks, “Want to play a game?” Mattel’s Hello Barbie immediately accesses one of 8,000 possible responses to simulate the back-and-forth of a typical children’s conversation. The toy essentially deconstructs everything that makes humans special – and replaces it with sensors, computer servers, software and algorithms. It remembers past conversations. For example, it remembers if a child has brothers or sisters, their names and when they last played together. Parents are happy that their child is engaged and is less intrusive.

The value of interactive AI in toys is that they can adapt to a child's special needs and abilities. They can be infinitely patient and always get the child's attention as the top priority. They develop interaction, leadership, and self-reflection in the child, rather than simply putting them in a passive entertainment mode. The child is prepared and conditioned for the future AI-based world that will require socialization not just with others, but also with machines.

From yesterday’s perspective, the kids are simply engaging in a conversation with a make-believe friend. The insidious underlying problem is that intelligent toys allow steady AI encroachment on a much broader scale, removing impediments and resistance that arise from adults who may or may not recognize the dangers. It brainwashes babies to prefer AI interaction over less cooperative human communication. Who knows more – Mommy and Daddy, or my always-available friend?

Threat to Humanity

Two intrepid entrepreneurs and innovators, Elon Musk and Bill Gates, two of humanity's most credible thinkers, say they are terrified of the same thing: Artificial intelligence. Eminent scientist Stephen Hawking underscores the same warning.

During a talk with students from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Elon Musk declared that AI is the most serious threat to the survival of the human race. Musk said, “I think we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. If I had to guess at what our biggest existential threat is, it’s probably that. So we need to be very careful. I’m increasingly inclined to think that there should be some regulatory oversight, maybe at the national and international level, just to make sure that we don’t do something very foolish.” (9)

In a September 2015 CNN interview, Musk goes even further, “AI is much more advanced than people realize. It would be fairly obvious if you saw a robot walking around talking and behaving like a person. What's not obvious is a huge server bank in a vault somewhere with an intelligence that's potentially vastly greatly than what a human mind can do. And it's eyes and ears will be everywhere, every camera, every device that's network accessible. Humanity's position on this planet depends on its intelligence. So if our intelligence is exceeded, it's unlikely that we will remain in charge."

Theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking warns, "The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race." (10)

In a February 2015 Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything), Bill Gates says, "First the machines will do a lot of jobs for us and not be super intelligent. That should be positive if we manage it well. A few decades after that the intelligence is strong enough to be a concern.  I don't understand why some people are not concerned."

Let’s Engage

Please share our discussion by responding to these questions directly via the blog. If you prefer, send me an email and I’ll insert your comments.

  1. Do you consider Artificial Intelligence as providing significant value?
  2. Do you enjoy and appreciate the values that AI provides?
  3. Have you noticed that AI is steadily encroaching in our lives?
  4. Are you uncomfortable with the spread of AI everywhere?
  5. What will you do when your kid think their toy is smarter than you?
  6. Will AI eventually take over? How long?
  7. Can anyone stop the spread of AI? How?
  8. Have you considered that AI would be more effective running the government?
  9. How can AI eventually be stopped? What can stop the advance?

  1. Jim Pinto – Intelligence & Consciousness in the New Age:
  2. Predictions for the State of AI and Robotics in 2025:
  3. Why We Should Think About the Threat of Artificial Intelligence:
  4. Why I Don't Fear Artificial Intelligence:
  5. KURZWEIL: Human-Level AI Is Coming By 2029:
  6. Avogadro Corp: The Singularity Is Closer Than It Appears:
  7. Unraveling the tale behind the Apple logo:
  8. Artificial intelligence is moving from the lab to your kid’s playroom:
  9. Artificial intelligence is our biggest existential threat:
  10. AI Has Arrived, That Really Worries the World’s Brightest Minds:

Jim Pinto
Carlsbad, CA. USA
29 October 2015